Prepare– Prepares the Workbook for distribution.Print Preview - Shows you what the Workbook will look like prior to printing.Quick Print – Sends Workbook directly to printer.Print– Prints Workbook and offers a Menu to make adjustments to the print function (i.e.You MUST save presentations in Excel 97-2003 format to open them in older versions of Excel.Save As – Saves presentation with another name or presentation extension.Convert - Converts older Excel files into the 2007 Format.The MS Office Button replaces the File Menu
This opens a new window with an definition and an expanded explanation of how to use the feature or option

All Menus are located within tabs on a Menu bar called the Ribbon The three parts of the Ribbon are Tabs, Groups, & Commands. Menus and Toolbars - 2007 Office 2007 is arranged differently. Menus and Toolbars - 2003 In Excel 2003, different functions within Excel are accessed through the Menu Bar,StandardToolbar, the Formatting Toolbar, and the Formula Bar Menu Toolbar Formula Bar Standard Toolbar Formatting Toolbar Click on the arrownext to the toolbar, to open the customize Menu Click the checkbox next to each feature to add and more options to the toolbar This is a New Feature By default, there are 3 buttons Save,New, and Open. Quick Access Toolbar Located next to the MS Office Button, the Quick Access Toolbar offers one-click access to the most widely used office functions. Excel Options(previously located under the Tools Menu).Publishto distribute a presentation to a server, blog, or shared workspace.Send which distributes presentations through facsimile or email.Prepare to finalize presentations for distribution.Convertconverts Excel files into the 2007 Format.The MS Office Button is a New Feature of Excel 2007.The MS Office Button, Quick Access Toolbar and the Ribbon replace the Menu, Standard and Formatting Toolbars in Excel 2003.MS Office Button, the Quick Access Toolbar, & The Ribbon New Workbook Page- 20 Excel 2007 Excel 2003 The major differences between the two displays are seen here.Revisions in Office 2007 have created major changes in the layout of this display.When you open either version of Excel, a new blank Workbook page appears.

There will also be an explanation of new features exclusive to Excel 2007.This tutorial will explain the differences between Excel 20 by comparing the Menus and toolbars in Excel 2003 with the MS Office Button and Ribbon in 2007.